
Getting to the hinterlands from arathi
Getting to the hinterlands from arathi

getting to the hinterlands from arathi

But I do think a proposal for adding Gilneas has to both identify the Horde corollary that will also be added, and identify a compelling gameplay need for these two zones to be brought into the game. I don’t think being adjacent to a Horde lowbie zone is such a big deal now with phasing. Blizzard has further stated that they aren’t big on adding/maintaining zones and especially new faction cities that don’t see much use in game. Gameplay-wise, Blizzard has said that there are issues with adding an Alliance zone right next to a Horde starting area, and it would also raise issues with zone balance (like, what zone would they add to the Horde?). Lore-wise, apparently it’s still kind of a blighted wasteland. The Alliance has had control of Gilneas for some time. The Night Elves will be back in Darkshore and Ashenvale, Stromgarde will still be contested, Silverpine will still be Horde, etc. Falstad can be found below the gryphon master's platform.I still think the zones will end up pretty much as status quo from the start of the expansion, except with Teldrassil and Tirisfal removed. It is now a war-torn land, contested by Seraph soldiers supplied by Divinitys Reach via Lake Doric to the west, and the centaurs. In 1071 AE, the charr used this area to invade Kryta, and the southern portion was once the Lesser Giants Basin. Follow the path until it turns into a road. Harathi Hinterlands is the northernmost reaches of Kryta, and is primarily controlled by the centaurs.

getting to the hinterlands from arathi

There will probably be a pair of gryphons patrolling the entrance. The Arathi Highlands are located in southeastern Lordaeron, east of Hillsbrad Foothills and south of the Hinterlands.It is a flat but craggy region that has traditionally been the home of the humans of Arathor, who gave the region its name.

getting to the hinterlands from arathi

North of the keep is a path through the hills into the Hinterlands. Follow the road west and pass through Thoridan's Wall in the Hillsbrad Foothills. Durnholde Keep will be on the right hand side of the road. To get to the Hinterlands, start at the Wetlands and cross Thandol's Span in the Arathi Highlands. There are trolls coming out of the woodwork! Make it snappy. What do you want, laddy? Can't you see I've got problems to take care of here? Who has time to stand around yapping with some chatterbox? We need to find out what happened to that pilot. Journey there and seek out Falstad Wildhammer. The master of the aviary would remember, no doubt. In my old age the poor fellow's name eludes me. The pilot fell off his mount, down into the swamp. There I enlisted the aid of one of their finest pilots. I traveled to the renowned gryphon aviary at Aerie Peak in The Hinterlands.

getting to the hinterlands from arathi

DescriptionĪs I mentioned earlier, I attempted to scout the temple on my own from the air. Speak with High Thane Falstad Wildhammer at Aerie Peak in the Hinterlands.

Getting to the hinterlands from arathi